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Nippon Biochemicals Chitosan Chrysanthemum

Nippon Biochemicals Chitosan Chrysanthemum


Chitosan Chrysanthemum has an absorption rate of over 90% and is low-cost. It "electronically" binds to harmful substances, adsorbs them, and excretes them.

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The greatest feature of low molecular weight chitosan is that it "electronically" binds to harmful substances, adsorbs them, and excretes them.

Below are the seven most common harmful substances.
In fact, all of these "risk factors" carry a negative charge.

  • Pesticides
  • Radioactive materials
  • Food Additives
  • Carcinogens
  • Antibiotics
  • heavy metal
  • Hormones

Chitosan becomes positive ions in the intestines, binds with harmful substances that have negative ions, and is then excreted from the body.

Chitosan contains a molecule called an "amino group (-NHz)." When this amino group enters the intestines, it becomes positively charged as NH3+ because the intestines are acidic.

Absorbs beneficial nutrients

Vitamins, enzymes, minerals, calcium, magnesium, amino acids

Harmful substances are excreted

Bacteria/viruses Antibiotics Food additives Heavy metals Carcinogens Chlorine Trihalomethanes Mercury Radioactive substances

Captures toxins and bacteria even in blood vessels

The positive charge of chitosan also exerts its detoxifying effect inside blood vessels. Just as in the intestines, chitosan electrically captures these harmful substances and excretes them from the body together with sweat and urine.

Its "selective excretion" effect of absorbing good factors and excreting only bad factors is unparalleled. Furthermore, chitosan is the only natural, positively charged single substance in the Earth's ecosystem.

Raw materials/ingredients



以下は代表的な7つの有害物質です。 これらの「危険因子」はすべてマイナスの電気を立てています。
1. 農薬 / 2. 食品添加物 / 3. 抗生物質 / 4. ホルモン剤 / 5. 放射性物質 / 6.発がん性物質 / 7.重金属

それに対して、身体に有用な栄養素などの「良い因子」は マイナスに荷電していないため、腸壁から体内に吸収されることとなります。

キトサンのプラス荷電による俳毒作用は血管内でも発揮されます。キトサンは腸内と同様に、これら有害物質を電気的に捕らえて 汗や尿といっしょに体外に排泄してしまうのです。


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