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Easy-to-take medicine jelly series

Easy-to-take medicine jelly series


Regular price ยฅ456 JPY
Regular price Sale price ยฅ456 JPY
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Raw materials/ingredients

Ingredients: Erythritol (made in the USA), reduced maltose syrup, agar/gelling agent (thickening polysaccharide), acidulant, calcium lactate, flavoring, sweetener (stevia), gardenia coloring

How to use:
Put the jelly into a cup or other container, place the medicine on top, and use a teaspoon to scoop the medicine into the jelly so that it envelops the medicine. If you are using powdered medicine, do not mix it with the jelly, but envelop the medicine in the jelly.
โ—Please adjust the amount of jelly according to the amount of medicine and swallowing ability. If the spoon is too large, it may be difficult to swallow in one bite, so we recommend using a teaspoon.
After opening, use it all up without storing it.

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